Acquisition and relocation
Through extensive planning for the Red Line Extension (RLE) project, the CTA determined that it was necessary to acquire certain properties to implement the project. All property owners affected by acquisition and relocation under the RLE project have been contacted. If you have not been contacted, your property has not been identified as affected.
Property owners and tenants who are affected by acquisition and relocation under the RLE project are protected under the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended (known simply as the “Uniform Act”), along with state regulations. The CTA has treated property owners and tenants fairly and has sought cooperative settlements of property acquisitions. In addition, the CTA is providing financial assistance and relocation services for property owners, as well as commercial and residential occupants who must move because of the RLE project.
Vacant Properties and Demolition
While groundbreaking for the project is expected in 2025, there will be plenty of activity happening in 2024. You may see construction personnel in the community doing survey work and other preparation for construction activities this year, which will include property demolition and relocating utility equipment above and below ground.
CTA is committed to maintaining these properties safely and securely until demolition. CTA works closely with their property management team and local law enforcement to prevent illicit activity. See suspicious activity on a CTA property? Call our property manager East Lake Management at (312) 842-5500 or 911 if it's an emergency. Your safety is important!
Read our full update on upcoming preparatory construction work in 2024 on our What's new page.
Learn more about your rights as a property owner.
Review the Map Book, for project impacts to acquired properties
Have questions about acquisitions, how the project may affect your property? Please contact us!
Frequently asked questions about property acquisition and relocation
Based on previously conducted project planning and engineering work, the CTA selected a Preferred Alignment in 2018. The Preferred Alignment is a combination of the previously presented Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) East and West options.
The Preferred Alignment will run south along I-94 from the 95th/Dan Ryan station, then curve west along the north side of I-57 (within the I-57 right-of-way) on an elevated structure for nearly a ½ mile until reaching and crossing over to the west side of the UPRR corridor in the vicinity of Eggleston Avenue. The alignment will turn south to follow the UPRR corridor on the elevated structure along the west side of the UPRR to 107th Place. At 107th Place the elevated structure will cross over to the east side of the UPRR corridor. The Preferred Alignment will continue along the east side of the UPRR corridor south and southeast to near 119th Street. South of this point, the Preferred Alignment will descend to at-grade while continuing southeast. The alignment will continue south, going under 130th Street to the terminus (end) of the RLE Project south of 130th Street. See the preferred alignment map.
The Preferred Alignment captures the benefits, minimizes the impacts of either option and incorporates the public and agency feedback received on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The Preferred Alignment will have fewer impacts than either the East or West options. It will affect fewer residences than the East Option, and fewer businesses and jobs than the West Option. Noise and vibration impacts will not be greater than those anticipated under either the East or West Option. The Preferred Alignment is evaluated in the Final EIS.
All owners and tenants whose property would be potentially affected by the Preferred Alignment were notified during outreach that the CTA conducted in January and February 2018. The CTA contacted owners and tenants using USPS and certified mail, door-to-door visits to each potentially affected property, and acquisition and relocation-focused meetings at Fenger High School and Palmer Park. In September 2019, the CTA mailed a postcard to all owners and tenants whose property would be potentially affected by the RLE Preferred Alignment. The postcard informed recipients of a drop-in event at Pullman Branch Library in October 2019, which provided an opportunity for the public to ask questions and share comments with project staff. In January 2022, The CTA contacted owners and tenants using USPS and certified mail, made door-to-door visits to each potentially affected property. In February 2022, the CTA provided an in-person opportunity for the public to ask acquisition and relocation questions. Since then, the Acquisitions and Relocation Team (ART) has worked closely with affected property owners and tenants as the acquisition process has moved forward. The RLE Community Office at 401 W. 111th, opened in Fall of 2023, there ART has held one on one meetings with property owners and tenants.
The CTA must follow the guidelines of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended, along with state regulations. The CTA will treat property owners fairly and will seek cooperative settlements of property acquisitions.
You can read more about your rights under applicable federal laws here:
The CTA is required by federal law to offer to purchase each property for an amount that is no less than fair market value as determined by an independent appraisal. In some circumstances, if current appraisals are less than the original property purchase price, an owner may be eligible for compensation equal to the original purchase price.
In addition, the CTA must provide financial assistance and relocation services for property owners as well as commercial and residential occupants who must move because of the RLE project.
If the CTA determines it is necessary to purchase your property for the RLE project, it is required to hire an independent appraiser to inspect the property to determine fair market value. In that case, you, or a representative that you designate, will be invited to accompany the appraiser when the appraiser inspects your property. You or your representative may provide information about improvements to the property and any special features that may affect the value of the property such that these facts are considered in the appraisal.
Non-owners who are leasing housing or commercial property that must be relocated because of the RLE project are protected by the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended. The CTA will provide financial assistance and relocation services to assist residents and business owners in finding a new housing or a new business location.
For those required to move, a CTA relocation specialist has contacted them, answered questions, and provided additional information about relocation assistance advisory services and relocation payment eligibility. The goal of the relocation specialist is to facilitate a smooth transition to the replacement housing or business location.