Notice of Public Hearing: Discontinuation of Bus Route #X98 AVON EXPRESS

January 30, 2023

Notice is hereby given that the Chicago Transit Authority shall hold a Public Hearing on the proposed discontinuance of bus route #X98 Avon Express. Civic Staffing, LLC has notified the Chicago Transit Authority that it will discontinue its reimbursement for this route, and the proposal is to discontinue the route as of March 20, 2023.  Details outlining the service that is proposed to be discontinued are available online at www.transitchicago.com or in the CTA Main Office, 2nd Floor, 567 W. Lake St., Chicago, IL  60661.

You are invited to attend the public hearing that will be conducted at the date and time below: 

Tuesday, February 21, 2023
11:00 am – 1:00 pm

This hearing will be held virtually. If you wish to provide live comment at the hearing, you can attend virtually at www.zoom.us, by selecting “Join” at the top right of the home screen and entering Meeting ID 860 4461 0973 and Passcode 289566.  Customers can also call in to comment at 1-312-626-6799.  The hearing can also be viewed without the possibility of comment at https://youtube.com/live/YS6Y76ezkeU.  Please note that if there is a change in the Governor’s executive order on public meetings, prior to this meeting date, additional information will be provided to accommodate in-person attendance. 

A presentation will be made by the Chicago Transit Authority regarding this proposal. A general American Sign Language Interpreter will be available.  A Spanish Interpreter will be available upon request to [email protected].

Written comments will be considered if received by Monday, March 6, 2023, by writing to the following address: 

Office of the Secretary of the Board
Chicago Transit Authority
567 W. Lake Street
Chicago, IL  60661

Email comments may be submitted up to Monday, March 6, 2023, by writing to [email protected].

PDFDetails on the proposal





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