Notice of Public Hearing

October 27, 2014

Chicago Transit Authority
Proposed 2015 Capital Program of Projects,
2015 Operating Budget and Program,
and the Financial Plan for 2016 and 2017

Notice is hereby given that the Chicago Transit Authority Board desires public comment before it considers an ordinance to adopt the proposed 2015 Capital Program of Projects, 2015 Operating Budget and Program, and the Financial Plan for 2016 and 2017. A public hearing will be conducted on Monday, November 17, 2014 at 6:00 P.M. at CTA headquarters located at 567 W. Lake Street, second floor conference room, Chicago, Illinois, 60661. These facilities are accessible to people with disabilities.

Be advised that, as to the Capital Program of Projects, the Chicago Transit Authority is seeking financial assistance from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) of the United States Department of Transportation under the Federal Transit Act of 1964, as amended, and related statutes; the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) under the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois (Part 8.5) and related statutes; and the Northeastern Illinois Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) under the Regional Transportation Authority Act. If the following program does not change, then it will be considered the FY 2015 final Capital Program of Projects. This notice is to meet the requirements of the FTA, IDOT, and the RTA.


FY 2015
Urbanized Areas: Total $485,350,255 Est.

Chicago Transit Authority $267,057,248 Est.
Commuter Rail Division of the Regional Transportation Authority (Metra) $156,550,800 Est.
Suburban Bus Division of the Regional Transportation Authority (Pace) $36,835,482 Est.
Regional Transportation Authority $0 Est.
Northwest Indiana Regional Planning Commission (NIRPC) $24,719,439 Est.
Southeast Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (SEWRPC) $187,286 Est.
Total $485,350,255  

Chicago Transit Authority FTA Formula Program of Capital Projects

Perform Mid-Life Bus Overhaul - Artic Hybrids (208) (1,944,903), Replace Buses - Base Order (300) (20,515,836), Replace Buses - Artic Hybrid - Lease Principal (5,902,505), Replace Buses - Artic Hybrid - Lease Interest (640,208), Replace Buses - Option 4 - Lease Principal (6,854,850), Replace Buses - Option 4 - Lease Interest (1,056,851), Upgrade and Support Computer Systems (405,000), Office Building - Principal (2,530,000), Office Building - Interest (3,659,400), Purchase Equipment and Non-Revenue Vehicles (3,000,000), Rehabilitate Signals - Systemwide (24,952,556), Rehabilitate Rail Stations - Systemwide (7,500,000), Program Management (2,193,941), and Bond Repayment Principle and Interest (44,423,450)

Net 2015 FTA 5307 Formula Projects….$125,579,499    FTA 5307 Formula Total….$125,579,499

Phase I Supplemental Capital Projects

Mid-Life Rehabilitation 3200 Series Rail Cars (20,515,932), Upgrade Office Computer Systems (1,583,645), Rehabilitate Rail Stations - Systemwide (2,500,000), Elevated Track and Structure - Systemwide (7,939,393), Program Management (4,496,059), Bond Repayment Principle and Interest (92,544,903) Perform Mid-Life Bus Overhaul - Artic Hybrids (208) (6,879,469), Replace Buses - Base Order 300 (5,018,348), North Main Line - Red/Purple Modernization - Conceptual Design (35,000,000)

Implement Security Projects (3,000,000), Purchase Up To 846 Rail Cars - (Replace 2600 Series) 7000 Series (437,000,000), Rehabilitate Blue Line - Milwaukee Substation (8,417,175), Rehabilitate Blue Line - East Lake Substation (605,904), Rehabilitate Blue Line (Jefferson Park to O'Hare) Signals (110,976,921), Perform Mid-Life Bus Overhaul - Artic Hybrids (208) (25,900,000), Mid-Life Rehabilitation - 3200 Series Rail Cars (1,336,928), Rehabilitate Bus and Rail Facilities - State of Good Repair (61,500,000), Rehabilitate Rail Stations - Sheridan and Bryn Mawr (35,000,000), Implement Security Projects - Radio Frequency Information (11,500,000), Subway Ventilation Rehabilitation (20,000,000), Rehabilitate Blue Line (Jefferson Park to O'Hare) Signals (65,663,072), Perform Mid-Life Bus Overhaul - 1000 Series New Flyer (7,754,516), Replace Buses - Option 75 up to 150 (34,745,484), High Tech Station - Master Plan (7,500,000), Open Fare Standards - CTA Ventra Implementation Improvements (2,378,400), Communications Equipment and Outreach (317,120), CTA Video Enhancement for Bus and Rail (8,007,280), Software and Hardware Enhancements (5,703,200), and CTA Open Fare Payment System - Equipment (Lease) (1,875,000)

FTA Section 5337 State of Good Repair Funds - $129,579,932
FTA Section 5339 Bus and Bus Facilities Formula Funds - $11,897,817
FTA Section 5309 Core Capacity Funds - $35,000,000
Homeland Security Funds - $3,000,000
Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) Funds - $557,000,000
Illinois State Bond Funds - $220,900,000
RTA Bond Funds - $50,000,000
RTA Innovation, Coordination, and Enhancement (ICE) Funds $16,406,000
CTA Service Board - $1,875,000
Total Phase I Supplemental Funding ........................................$1,025,658,749

The proposed 2015 Capital Program of Projects, 2015 Operating Budget and Program, and the Financial Plan for 2016 and 2017 will be available for public inspection, in standard size print and large print, on Monday, October 27, 2014 and will continue to be available between 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. through Monday, November 17, 2014 at the CTA reception desk, second floor, Chicago Transit Authority, 567 W. Lake Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60661. These same financial documents will also be available during this period on CTA's website, www.transitchicago.com, in both pdf and plain text formats.

At the public hearing, an American Sign Language Interpreter and a Spanish interpreter will be available on site. Individuals with disabilities who require other accommodations to review the budget should contactAmy J. Serpe, Manager, ADA Compliance Programs, [email protected] at 312-681-2608 or Relay.

Copies of the proposed 2015 Capital Program of Projects, 2015 Operating Budget and Program, and the Financial Plan for 2016 and 2017 are also available for review in standard size print and large print at the main office of the Regional Transportation Authority, reception desk, Suite 1650, 175 West Jackson, Chicago, Illinois, 60604; at the Archer Heights Branch Library, 5055 South Archer Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60632; Austin Branch Library, 5615 West Race Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60644; Harold Washington Public Library, 400 South State Street, 5th floor, Chicago, Illinois, 60605; Jefferson Park Branch Library, 5363 West Lawrence Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60630; South Shore Branch Library, 2505 East 73rd Street, Chicago, Illinois 60649; Sulzer Regional Library, 4455 North Lincoln Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, 60625; West Town Branch Library, 1625 West Chicago Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60622; Woodson Regional Public Library, 9525 South Halsted Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60628; Evanston Public Library, 1703 Orrington Avenue, Evanston, Illinois, 60201; Evergreen Park Public Library, 9400 South Troy, Evergreen Park, Illinois, 60805; Oak Park Public Library, 834 Lake Street, Oak Park, Illinois 60301; Riverdale Public Library, 208 West 144th Street, Riverdale, Illinois, 60827; and at the Skokie Public Library, 5215 West Oakton, Skokie, Illinois, 60077.

At the public hearing, the CTA will afford an opportunity for interested persons or agencies to be heard with respect to social, economic, environmental and other related aspects of the proposed 2015 Capital Program of Projects, 2015 Operating Budget and Program, and the Financial Plan for 2016 and 2017. Written and oral comments will be taken into consideration prior to adoption of the proposed 2015 Capital Program of Projects, 2015 Operating Budget and Program, and the Financial Plan for 2016 and 2017. This input will be welcomed at the public hearing or by correspondence addressed to Gregory P. Longhini, Assistant Secretary of the Board, Chicago Transit Authority, 567 W. Lake Street, Chicago, Illinois 60661. Input can also be sent via e-mail to: [email protected].

The deadline to submit written comments is Tuesday, November 18, 2014 by 5:00 P.M.





See also...

For easier reference, some information formerly posted in Reports & Notices on this Web site now has its own page. See these pages for complete information about the following:


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