A red signal commands trains to stop before a construction area

System status & alerts

This page provides system status information for 'L' and bus service from CTA, including rail station elevators. Follow links for more detailed information about events that affect your route.

Latest updates

Boarding Change, Delays Between Cermak-Chinatown and Grand
Planned Work

Red Line trains will operate on the same track between Cermak-Chinatown and Grand, resulting in boarding changes and minor delays.

Boarding Change, Delays Between Belmont and California
Planned Work

Blue Line trains will operate on the same track between Belmont and California, resulting in a boarding change and minor delays.

Elevator at Washington/Wabash Temporarily Out-of-Service
Elevator Status

The Orange, Pink, Purple and 63rd- bound Green Line platform elevator at Washington/Wabash is temporarily out-of-service .


Weekly upcoming planned changes

We post weekly summaries of planned service changes, including temporary ones for work, construction, events and more. You can also get these sent to you weekly via CTA Updates.