Orange Line Extension

Connecting Midway to Ford City

The Orange Line Extension Project would extend the transit line from the Midway Station at the Midway International Airport to approximately 76th Street near Ford City.  The CTA completed Alternatives Analysis from 2006-2009 and Environmental Scoping from 2009-2010. The CTA is not studying this project at this time and it is not included in the list of fiscally constrained projects in CMAP’s Go To 2040 Comprehensive Regional Plan. The project documents are available here as a publically available archive.

Alternatives Analysis Study – Locally Preferred Alternative 

Orange Line Extension Project - Jun 01, 2010
Public Participation Plan, Notice of Intent, Participating Agencies, Participating Agency Invitation Letters, Agency Scoping Meeting, Agencies and Organizations Notified of Scoping, Notification Materials, Scoping Meeting Materials, Meeting Presentation, Meeting Exhibit Boards, Public Scoping Meeting Transcripts, Public Scoping Written Comments, Agency Scoping Comments
Orange Line Extension Project - Jun 01, 2010
This text-only supplement describes Scoping Meeting Materials, Meeting Presentation, Meeting Exhibit Boards
Orange Line Extension Project - Jun 01, 2010
Scoping report. Appendices are available as separate files.
Orange Line Extension Project - Sep 03, 2009
Orange Line Extension Project, Plain Text (Accessible Equivalent) Documents - Aug 31, 2009
This is the text-only description of the Orange Line Extension alternative map.
Orange Line Extension Project - Aug 31, 2009
This map shows the locally preferred alternative for the Orange Line Extension Project.

Alternatives Analysis Study - Screen 2

CTA held a public open house on  April 22, 2009 to receive input on preliminary findings from Screen 2 of the Alternatives Analysis Study for the proposed Orange Line Extension project.
Presentations delivered at the Screen 2 meeting may be viewed here:

Full documentation of all comments and questions received during Screen 2 as well as complete responses are provided in the following files:

Screen 2 Comment Database – July 2009 (0.1 MB PDF)
Screen 2 Comment Response – July 2009 (0.1 MB PDF)


Alternatives Analysis - Screen 1

CTA held a public open house on August 19, 2008 to receive input on preliminary findings from Screen 1 of the Alternatives Analysis Study for the proposed Orange Line Extension project.

Presentations delivered at the Screen 1 meetings may be viewed here:

Public Meeting Presentation Part 1 - August 2008 (0.5 MB PDF)
Public Meeting Presentation Part 2 - August 2008 (1 MB PDF)
Public Meeting Presentation - August 2008 (Text version)

Public Meeting Display Boards - August 2008 (2.3 MB PDF)
Public Meeting Display Boards - August 2008 (Text version)
Public Meeting Comment Card - August 2008 (0.1 MB PDF)

Full documentation of all comments and questions received during Screen 1 as well as complete responses are provided in the following files:

Screen 1 Comment Database - October 2008 (0.1 MB PDF)
Screen 1 Comment Response - October 2008 (0.1 MB PDF)

System status snapshot
‘L’ route status
Red Line
Normal Service
Blue Line
Normal Service
Green Line
Normal Service
Orange Line
Normal Service
Pink Line
Normal Service
Purple Line
Normal Service
Yellow Line
Normal Service
Bus routes w/alerts
Elevator alerts